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Count Arucard

Fortress Craft Fan Forums

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Well, that's just simply not fair - the 1.1 patch is *massive*, adds in an enormous amount of stuff (including over a dozen items), 2 new game modes *and* all the server raiting stuff, massively improved networking, draw distance, performance... to the point where there's only a handful of planned things left for 1.5!


As for the forums; well, that's why I have my own forums - forum.fortresscraft.com is a nice, pleasant haven from the nightmare of youtube comments and hate mail, and I heartily invite you all over. It's also a lot smaller, which is the largest part of it:


XboxModders : Total Members 393

FC Fan forums : 7,813 Total Members


Sadly, the signal-to-noise ratio appears to be on an exponential curve :-( The nicest communities have always been the small ones!


That is reassuring, and the point of this Post was never intended to start a war. I've been very open even on the FC fourms that I didn't like how things were turning out, and until recently, I was pretty active on those fourms. I would hate to see the same thing happen here, and I will edit my initial post to read the 'fan fourms'


I try to put any post venting frustrations that I like fortresscraft, because, well, I do. Trying to avoid an open invitation for a 'game war'.


in my opinion, true gamers will not favor any game over the other and judge each one fairly, not by who came first and who thought of something first. A true gamer will identify the strengths and flaws in any game and Go from there.


But again, this isn't the point of this thread, and maybe it should be locked because it just seems no one is reading the whole thread and what it's about before replying. (which is the exact opposite of what the post was trying to identify)


Sorta ironic in a way...

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